Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Blog Posting #5: Friendship

This song is about her always being there for her friend. She said that no matter where you are she will always be there to help you and will still be your friend. It says that as long as you have faith then everything will be okay. This song is okay. I think that it has a stong meaning and it shows that she is a good friend.

This song relates to my life because I have friends that live far away and will continue to be bestfriends. Although I don't see them all of the time, if they ever need anything from me or I ever need anything for them, we can call eachother and talk. I believe that a friendship can last as long as you want no matter how far away you are.

Monday, November 26, 2007

A Lesson Before Dying

A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines
This book is about an African American teacher named Grant and an African American man named Jefferson. Jefferson is in the wrong place at the wrong time. While he is at a liquor store three men are killed. He is taken to court and sentenced to the electric chair. While in court the lawyer said that they might as well be putting a hog into the chair. Jefferson’s Aunt Emma wants him to go to the chair a man, not a hog. She asks Grant to help Jefferson become a man. Not only does Grant not want to, but also isn’t sure how to help him. While Jefferson is in prison, he won’t talk to anyone besides Grant. Although Grant wants to stop seeing him he keeps going. In the end Jefferson dies a man and Grant realizes that he can make a difference.

A Lesson Before Dying was an okay book. It had a good plot, but moved slowly. It was well written and kept you reading. Although it was slow, I read it very quickly. This book had a deeper meaning than someone that was just reading would understand. In order to understand the meaning of this book you would have to actively read it, not read just the words.

General tenth graders could read this book without a problem, although it has some tough subjects in it. I do recommend the general tenth grade class to read this book. I think that many of the students would read it and like it. I think that this book has the potential to positively affect the readers.